I Don’t Like Blogs.

No, seriously. I’m not doing this to be ironic or cute. The idea of blogging stresses me out a little. They remind me of those lil essays we had to do in high school, but for influencers. Plus having to come up with clever stuff that’s going to shake you to your core… THAT IS SO MUCH PRESSURE. But them’s the breaks of being a writer, right? 

Plus isn’t that the very reason I started writing in the first place? 

When times were really tough for me, I immersed myself in stories to get me through the rough patches. I binged shows like Friends (shameless plug), and laughed until I cried. I cannon balled deep into novels where I could become anyone I wanted to be. Each character became my friend and were undoubtedly the coolest and strangest people I ever met.

Then I thought, wow, hey, what, maybe I can create this for others. (and justify watching TV and movies as much as I wanted.  That sounds pretty fire).

So yes, I don’t like blogs, but I sure as hell love making you all smile. That, is an absolute pleasure and an honor. So why am I even complaining?

I’ll do some mindful meditation, and write the thing and do the stuff. As long as you promise me you’ll groan, and giggle, and play along. 

We are in this together for the long haul.

Signing off, Mayo Nation.


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